SBCS Enrichment Registration
Enrichment Program – Grades K – 6
(Afternoon 4-year-old preschool students will be eligible
for the Enrichment Program as needed.)
Program Description
St. Benedict Catholic School Enrichment Program seeks to enhance and expand educational opportunities for students beyond regular school hours in a safe, faith-filled environment. Enrichment will include outdoor play, guided homework and reading time, and a variety of extracurricular activities. Staff will foster an atmosphere that teaches students Christian values and character building. With a balance of creative free play and meaningful structured activities, the program will engage students minds and imaginations during the afternoon hours, while allowing for the leisure students need after the school day. Students will be offered a nutritious snack daily.
The Enrichment Program is operated each regular school day from 3:30-6:00. It will also be offered on some professional development days.
Typical Daily Schedule
3:30 - School dismisses; students check in to Enrichment in school library
3:35 - Outdoor fun in the playground area
4:00 - Bible verse of the week, prayer, and snack time
4:15 - Guided homework/reading time
4:45 - Extracurricular activities/continued tutoring as needed
6:00 - Enrichment ends
Extracurricular Activities
The Enrichment Program will offer fun and engaging activities for all students in the program daily. Extracurricular activities will be many and varied, and may include: science experiments, arts and crafts, dance classes, robotics, theatre workshops, food fun, nature learning, and practicing life skills.
Have a suggestion for extracurricular fun and learning? Do you or someone you know have a special skill or knowledge to share with students? We would love to receive your suggestions and contributions.
Enrichment Program Rates – per child
Pick up by 4:00pm - $4.50
Pick up by 4:30pm - $5.50
Pick up by 5:00pm - $6.50
Pick up by 6:00pm - $7.00
Professional Development Days - Advanced registration required
$4.00/hour for first child; $2.00/hour ea. additional child
Late Pick up Fee (after 6:00pm) - $5.00 per 5-minute increment
Costs for the Enrichment Program service will be added to your Smart Tuition account at the beginning of every month for the preceding month. Reservations may be made when picking up children from the program, by calling the school, or by emailing the Enrichment Director, lascher@stbenedict.eduk12.net
Reservation and Pick-Up
Reservations may be made one week ahead. If needing Enrichment Program on a drop-in basis, parents are asked to reserve their spot by noon on the day service is needed.
Pick Up Procedure: Parents (or designated others) will go through the Preschool Door on the 2nd Street side of SBCS to pick up students. Parents must check out before leaving to record departure time.