Safe Environment

Protecting God's Children

In the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, all employees whether working around children or not; and all volunteers who have contact with children and/or youth are required to submit to background checks prior to their engagement with children or teens.  All volunteers whose roles put them in contact with children and/or youth, all employees, and all clergy are required to attend a child safety awareness program designed for adults called Virtus®. Volunteers between the ages of 16 - 18 who participate in environments and activities that may include other children will also be required to attend a Virtus® awareness session.  Children under the age of 16 should never attend the Awareness sessions (nor should they be considered as adults or placed in unsupervised environments requiring adult supervision of minors).  For those volunteers under the age of 18, a Parental Permission Form is required for admittance and we encourage that a Parent/Guardian attend the same Virtus Awareness session with their child.

All children under the age of 18 enrolled in Catholic Schools or in Religious Formation Programs or parish youth groups participate in age-appropriate awareness training designed for children to help protect them. Parents who choose to "opt out" of these children’s programs on behalf of their children may obtain the training materials from their parish or school so they themselves can provide awareness training for their own children.