Fundraise while you shop!

It’s easy, it’s raising funds for SBCS, and you don’t have to sell a thing!

SBCS Scrip Program

Scrip is fundraising while you shop.

You buy gift cards/certificates through the scrip program/website and then shop at a participating shop or restaurant.

  1. That retailer gives a percentage of that cards/certificates value back to SBCS as a rebate.

    • For example, if you buy a $10 dollar 'Lopez de Mexico' gift certificate, you will have $10 dollars to spend at the restaurant and 'Lopez de Mexico' will give SBCS a dollar rebate for using that gift certificate!

    • 'Lopez de Mexico' gets customers, you get $10 dollars of food, and SBCS gets the dollar rebate, and everyone wins!

  2. As a Bonus, SBCS will give half of the rebate back to you in the form of credit on your SmartTuition account to use for school fees or tuition.

Scrip Made Simple:

Everything you ever wanted to know about scrip, explained clearly and concisely!

Click on the documents and links below to find out more:


Paper Order Form:

Please use this form when you are placing a traditional paper order on Mondays through the school.

The website contains every thing you will need to order Scrip online, it also includes a complete list of the national and local retailers who participate in the program.

Be sure to use the SBCS enrollment code when creating an account at Call the SBCS school office to get this code.

FAQ about ScripNow!

ScripNow! is a program that allows you to order and print Scrip at home with your family account using the website and a PrestoPay account. The following link will help better explain what you need to know about ScripNow!