SBCS Lunch Program

Kansas Child Nutrition and Wellness Food Service Data

Please click here to access the Kansas Child Nutrition and Wellness Report for St. Benedict Catholic School. 

Food Service

Students are encouraged to take a hot lunch. All students are expected to eat hot lunch, bring a sack lunch, or go home for lunch. Any child wishing to forego lunch for religious or dietary purposed must present a note each day from the parents. NO “FAST FOOD” LUNCHES ARE TO BE BROUGHT IN FOR STUDENTS. Parents are encouraged to help their children make healthy choices for lunch. We encourage you not to send pop or other sweetened drinks for lunch, and to include fresh fruits and vegetables instead of junk food in sack lunches. Parents are always welcome to join us at lunch. However, please call the office that morning by 8:30 a.m.

  • $2.85 – Kindergarten-5th Grade Student Hot Lunch 1 milk included

  • $2.85 – 6th – 8th Grade Student Hot Lunch 1 milk included

  • $3.75 – Adult & Guest Lunch 1 milk included

  • $0.60 – Extra Milk

  • $1.00 – Extra Entree for 6th–8th graders

  • $0.50 – Extra Fruit & Vegetables for 6th–8th graders

All meals need to be paid for in advance. We encourage parents to pay all fees by check and to send them directly to school in an envelope clearly marked for designated amount, purpose, and destination.

Lunch payments should not be combined with other payments to the school.