Sacred Heart Variety Store reaches contribution milestone

St. Benedict Catholic School wouldn't be the school that it is today if it wasn't for the charity of others, with many members of our city and parish communities contributing their time, effort, and talents to assist our school and students.

One of the major entities in Atchison that has been a consistent source of support to SBCS is Sacred Heart Variety Store. Over the past 10 years, Sacred Heart been a source of affordable clothing and other goods in town, been a place our students to learn what it means serve others as they come into the store to complete their service hours, and been a source of financial support for our school.

At today's celebration, our students heard from two SBCS alumni, Maur Hill-Mount Academy seniors Sydney Johnson and Patrick Maderak; Sydney and Patrick are the embodiment of servant leaderership, and they shared with our students how the act of serving others help them grow closer to God. Additionally, we thanked the many men and who have worked at or volunteered at Sacred Heart Variety Store. Without them, our students would not be reaping the benefits from the proceeds of the thrift store. At the end of the ceremony, we had a balloon drop, with the 477 balloons represent the savings the our students see because of the the variety store. And we finished off our grand celebration with cookies and cakes for our students, staff, and volunteers.

For more coverage of this amazing milestone, please see The Leaven's article, "Sacred Heart Variety Store in Atchison helps fund St. Benedict School":


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